
April 6, 2012

Ekphrasis #HAWMC Day 5

Daily prompt. Ekphrasis Post. On Day 1 we discussed that images can help tell stories, but on the flip side images can also inspire stories. Today’s challenge is one for the eyes. Go to The webpage automatically generates a random photo (or you can refresh your page to see a new photo.)
We all have different visual queues that inspire us. Write about this image or let this image inspire your own writing for today.
What was your image? How did this image inspire you?

You might be asking yourself, what the heck is ekphrasis?  I had no idea until I looked up the definition on Wiki this morning:

Ekphrasis or ecphrasis is the graphic, often dramatic, description of a visual work of art. In ancient times it referred to a description of any thing, person, or experience. The word comes from the Greek ek and phrasis, 'out' and 'speak' respectively, verb ekphrazein, to proclaim or call an inanimate object by name

Here's the image that came up for me.
Spring - Primavera - Explore by Buonaventura & Carla

How beautiful is THIS?!? What an amazing expression of natural beauty, grace, and yes I do see HEALTH! A slender, healthy, mature woman among beautiful green rolling hills. This picture screams "I'm alive!" The large blooming flowers are bursting with color, no doubt due to the 'health' of the soil each planted is rooted in. The nutrient rich soil is the foundation from which these big beautiful flowers arise from. One can assume from the green grass that Mother Nature has taken care of her family by providing them with just the right amount of nutrients and water they needed to grow and flourish. 

I can appreciate the subject's desire to pluck these magnificent flowers from the ground. Regardless of the purpose, which could range from bringing them into the church (or is that a mission?) for her own enjoyment or the enjoyment of others, flowers are symbolic of love, peace, sympathy and general well-wishes. 

Admittedly, that road in the background is just asking for a trail run. And what about those hills in the background? I'd love to tackle that! :-)

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